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I really like the aesthetic of the game where it combines a puzzle aspect with a shooter. The game not only has a well-established theme but the setting itself builds this up where the player character is an astronaut and he is fighting aliens. With more levels and maybe more puzzles, this game is definitely something that people would play on the app store.

I think you guys were pretty creative with this game and I like how you tried to blend combat with a puzzle aspect of the game as well. The animations especially felt really smooth to me. Trailer is also spot on 

I love the concept of this game and overall it is very well done. The minigames are really cool, the world looks great, and the animations are so unique and incredible

I love the game and the trailer! The theme was super interesting, and I love the crossover between a combat game and a puzzle game. It adds a sense of urgency to each puzzle which I really enjoyed. It would have been nice to see a little more variety with the enemies but other than that the game was really well done!

I love this game! I really like the music the aesthetic and especially how when the player shoots an enemy, the enemy pixels in colors before it dies. I really like the idea of the mini games in order to solve a puzzle to complete the game. 

I love your itch page and trailer, really well done! It looks super professional!

I love how the enemies glitch! It really drives the theme home. I also just think the idea is cool (and kind of funny because game programming has its bugs and glitches). I think the controls are pretty straightforward and work well.
Two things to note: 1, the background in the mini-game is a little jarring. Also, I think the enemies could have variations (either different attacks or do different amounts of damage).

I really liked the game design especially the puzzle concept. I thought solving the circuits was really cool and similar to spiderman games I have played. I also appreciated the size of the interact and shoot button as some games have too small of buttons to use.

I really like your overall concept. I also really like how the concept is shown heavily throughout not only the game but your trailer and this itch page. I think the levels are really well made and I love the glitch type effects on all the monsters. This slight touch goes a long way because it kept me immersed and enjoying everything that was going on. The puzzles were also a good idea. I think they added another fun feature of the game to interact with. I think with more levels and maybe even some larger ones this game could be taken to a whole new level. Overall, the game is great. 

The game trailer really caught my attention and made me anticipate for the game. I liked the glitch concept and how it gets applied on the monsters in game. The puzzles are a great touch to the game. It'd be cool if there were varying difficulties to the puzzles or a different kind of puzzle. It'd also be cool if there were secret rooms you can unlock to fight a boss and get a new skill or something. Overall very nice game!

I was attracted by the game trailer at the first glance. The overall game looks great with various shapes of enemies with different health bars. I also like the puzzle part of the game because I think it is not very straightforward and not too hard. 

Some suggestions will be I would like the enemies to have different kinds of attacks like shooting, jumping and so on, but overall a very interesting game to play.

I am really amazed by all the artwork of this game especially the animation which I previously thought is free assets but you guys made it exactly by yourselves! Though I cannot play your game this time as I don't have an ios phone, the gameplay looks pleasant from your demo in class. A suggestion would be fixing the player's shooting direction issue. You can either make the shoot button another virtual stick like The binding of Isaac and Brawlstar do or navigate the bullet automatically to the enemy like Soul knight. I cannot come up with a better idea as the control for mobile games is limited, you either make it simple or make it smooth. Overall, great game, and I like it.

I love the concept of the game and idea of making 3D design with 2D characters. I think it worked really well in general. The glitching of enemy was interesting and fit into the theme. It was very straight forward but liked how levels increased in difficulty. One fun add might be making the enemy able to attack you with unique attacks. But overall I really enjoyed playing this game!!

The minigame is so good with different gameplay mechanics. Killing the enemy and solving the puzzle, these two different tasks just make this game more playable. The sprites are so cute, and I like the color of the enemy, it's a great way to represent them as bugs. 

The opening scene for the trailer is really cool! This is a game I would find and play on a site like Newgrounds. I like the cartoonish sprites and the glitch animation on the enemies is amazing. The Spider-Man-inspired mini-games are a nice addition as well! The only off-putting thing for me is how the player sometimes shoots backwards.

(1 edit)

The glitching animations were really nice and emphasizes the whole glitch theme. The two puzzles offer variety for the player in addition to shooting enemies. The artistic choice behind the game feels very coherent and fits well. A quick improvement is having the enemies not target you immediately after loading into the level. Overall, great work!

Using the glitch/hacking theme for both the game and the promotional material really elevate their presentation. I like how consistent the game's art style is for the characters and environment too. I just wish there was a bit more depth for the gameplay in the main shooting portion, maybe enemies that can shoot back or are even invincible unless you can complete the hacking minigame.

i love the sound track and the animation of the enemy. The sprites and design for the game are really adorable. The game really align with the glitch idea of the topic and the trailor video is really cool. I really like this game!

The glitch concept of the game and the effect on the enemies is really cool. I liked the minigame you have on each level but it seemed like there was only one way to solve it so maybe you can add some more variation. Overall, I think the game is cool and the visuals are nice.

The trailer and the whole itch page setup is absolutely insane. Your guys sprite work and animations are also really nice. I think that the glitch effect on the enemies was an amazing touch to the game and really brought everything back to the title of the game. Also really cool and fun mini games!

I LOVE the consistent Glitch effect on the enemies and this page! The art is super consistent and works well. I can see how you took inspo from Among Us but you totally went beyond that game and created something unique and fun to play. 

Absolutely love the background on the website, the glitching of the mobs to tie everything together, and the minigames. Besides the small bugs with interactions, this game looks great and very cute!

I love all the different mini games included in this game! The animations, sounds, and aesthetic are visually appealing and really fit well with the “cyberchase” inspired theme that you all were going for! I think it might be helpful to have the enemies react quicker to the bullets as they disappear much later after they are hit (unless that was intended).