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I love this game concept! The Inside Out inspiration is evident and I love how each level is a different mission that reflects what it feels like to be feeling that emotion! Also considering the color and music used for each level, this game is very immersive!

This was very fun to play and just the right amount challenging.  The levels are all very well-developed and have a nice aesthetic. I also really liked the shooting sound effect.

I really liked the style of the game, the lighting really made it feel unique. I like the gameplay but one think I think would be a huge improvement on the movement is if  I could hold down right click and just continuously move so I don't have to spam click the shoot and move button over and over. It's a small thing but I think it would make the movement feel so much better! Loved the game

I really liked the lighting effects y'all used in-game. It really game the game pop. I would say you should use a character model as opposed to a shape. I liked how the game was inspired by inside out. Overall, it was a neat game!

I really like the idea behind this game! I think it is very clever and different.  I like how we get to explore different emotions the character is going through . Everything ties in really well and really brings the idea to life. In addition, I really like how each level has something you have to do before moving onto the next level such as level1 you have to find a key within a certain amount of time. This gives it an added challenge which makes the game even more fun to play!

Overall really well done!

I enjoyed playing through this game and really liked how each level and different color themes to represent the feelings. I thought the use of the enemy spawner was cool for street map and liked how they kept on spawning.

I LOVE the game! The idea of matching each level with an emotion. The assets, music and lights used in each level were consistency with the emotion.  The storytelling is so completed considering it is a three week long project. Great game!

I like the overall theme of the game as well as the design of the map. The story telling is complete is reasonable. Some suggestions I would give will be I would prefer the " w a s d" buttons rather than the RMB for moving ( this may depends on people) and also I noticed that the boundary of the map is void and I would suggest move some buildings or barriers to cover the boundary. Overall I think it is a fun game to play.

The use of color is really brilliant as different colors truly bring people different atmospheres and moods while combining with other specific environments. The storytelling seems really complete within only 3 weeks of game development. Besides that, I would suggest adding a model and animation for the player.

The concept is so well thought out. The use of inspiration is really tasteful. Each scene's setting feels really developed, down to the lighting. The shooting aspect in the anger scene is super satisfying. One thing I would note is that the anxiety scene does not feel too much like a store/mall. I think it's just due to the fact that stores are often brighter, though. Overall, great job.

I really like the theme and the environment the game takes place in. I like how there is a goal for the player and a bit of storytelling coming through with each level. I also appreciate how each level is a bit different from each other and that some of them don't even involve combat. Like others have mentioned, I do wish the player model was more updated but other than that I feel that the game is very polished with a solid background in storytelling and theme that can be expanded on in the future.

This game is really great. The background colors matches with different moods well, blue for sad, red for anger... This game is visually attracting, with different kind of min-game in different levels, so players will not be bored with only doing similar operations.

I really enjoyed the theme of this game, its a great movie and an interesting twist on how to battle your emotions. The storyline was really developed which clearly laid out the tasks for the levels. I already brought this up in class but a lot was happening when the text was writing from the center. The anger level was my favorite one, moving through the abandoned city gave me zombie apocalypse vibes. More enemies spawning from the exit as opposed to behind you might make the level more challenging instead of just waiting around for the timer to run out. Having a character model might enhance the story, letting the player design a character could also be an interesting component when battling the emotions.

This game is absolutely great visually. I love how each level is a different mini-game and it ties in with the storyline. The cut scenes effectively hold the different parts of the game together. The lighting is amazing and the music fits each level. One small thing is that I do agree that if the player's asset is changed into a different model, it would seem even more complete.

I like the text writer in the beginning that explains the story. The background and colors also go really well with the music. One thing I would say is maybe develop a character instead of using just a cylinder to give more of a story? But really love the idea!!

I really loved how you guys brought together the colors of the emotions to create such a nice aesthetic to this game. You guys made huge strides from Beta testing to this final version and it was really nice to see the story tie in. Good work taking in the feedback from beta testing and building upon your game too!

I think the levels are really well developed and really flushed out. I also love the color scheme and the way it makes me feel. I really like the music choice as well I think it adds to the game quite nicely. I love the look of the enemies too. Overall, great job!

I love this concept, it's really cute and unique! You all did a great job integrating  an idea into a storyline through the perspective of a kid that is experiencing emotions and and creating functionality in a game to match that. The graphics and levels are really well done and fun to play as well.

I really like the story telling theme at the beginning of the game which just makes the game has higher integrity.  The shadows are cool and the anger characters are really cute. I really like the design of allowing only specific region to be clear to the players which increase the difficulty of finding the key in the game. The levels are really cool too!

This game is really well developed and the level designs are really colorful and well-designed. The game reminds me a lot of those zombie horde games where you explore and shoot all the enemies. The timer also adds a nice degree of pressure to the player and love all the different objectives. Great game!